I never thought I was good at anything, most of all clothes. It took me a very long time to figure out that doing anything in life is thinking you aren’t good at it but still having the stupidity and the ignorance to want to achieve it.

 I don’t think the word ‘brand’ is a good word to describe a brand. With any luck when you start a brand, you want it to be more than that, all encompassing sort of, spanning many different physical and artistic pathways. In short, when someone asks, “what is your brand about” or “what is your brand” you never want to say “it sells really cool stuff”. And of course you don't, that doesn’t even capture the countless hours of effort you put into it, the back breaking scrubbing of the emulsion out of a screen that took you a whole day of frustrating trial and error to create, the creation of clever captions for pictures of shirts that on them, have images that at one point only existed in your head and when you told people what they would look like, it was only when they saw the shirt in person did they finally understand the brilliance of how you calculated something to look so cool. Nulle Part has always and will always be about creation, how creation can come from anywhere and how creation is truly one of the few gifts we have as humans. I chose the name Nulle Part because it embodies the idea that “nowhere” isn’t a place full of nothing, but really a place where limitless things can be. To where we can have nothing tying us to anything in particular, so that we can create as far as we can go.

…it can be anywhere, nowhere, it can be anything you want it to be.